pROceed goes practise
Innovative professional orientation and job preparation for Roma

A major reason for the permanent discrimination against Roma is their low level of education. After compulsory schooling, the participation of Roma in education decreases significantly. Only about 15 per cent complete upper secondary education. Less than 20 per cent of Roma have completed vocational training. Only 2 to 5 per cent of all Roma attend high school. Less than 5 per cent of all Roma are university graduates.

Another obstacle for the access of Roma to education and employment is that they are not aware of their own talents, skills, and competences. Their unemployment rate averages more than 70 per cent, and the proportion is even higher for women.

For the economic development of a country, Roma are indispensable as employees in general and as skilled workers in particular. The motivation of our project is to resolve this contradiction.
More young Roma shall attend a vocational training for which they should be animated by accordingly sensitised education staff in the frame of concrete measures of professional orientation.

More adult Roma shall be prepared for a certain professional work that is actually demanded at the labour market but that is also in line with the Roma’s interests, skills and competences and that is ensuring a regular income.

More entrepreneurs shall recognise the potential to cope in the long run with the lack of employees and skilled workers with accordingly trained Roma and therefore employ them.

Finally, we would like to contribute to reducing stereotypes and prejudices and to promoting the socio-economic inclusion of Roma.

Expected Results
  1. Guideline for the professional orientation of Roma
  2. 80 teachers and social workers from secondary schools were made familiar with the Guideline and sensitised for integrating the designed measures for the professional orientation in the daily life of the school
  3. Online Self-Assessment-Tool for Roma for identifying an appropriate professional work
  4. Accredited Curricula for the implementation of training courses for the preparation of Roma for selected jobs in different economic sectors

  5. 48 staff members of VET centres and enterprises were enabled to implement the training courses
  6. 140 adult Roma have attended the training courses successfully during the Test Phase
  7. Manual for employers
  8. 80 representatives of potential employers were made familiar with the Manual and sensitised for employing Roma on this basis
  9. Dissemination and exploitation of the project results

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